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Islay Folklore

Seanchas ÌLE

Seanchas Ìle (Islay's Folklore) is an oral history project where we aim to collect, record and preserve Islay's rich Gaelic heritage and unique dialect.
This publication contains a selection of transcriptions and English translations recorded from local Gaelic speakers including local stories, recollections of how Islay has changed over the years, proverbs, as well as historical information and testimonies of the lives of local people.

`S e pròseact beul-aithris a th’ ann an Seanchas Ìle leis a’ phrìomh amas fa-near dhuinn dualchas beairteach Gàidhlig Ìle agus dualchainnt shònrachte Ìle a chruinneachadh, a chlàrachadh agus a ghleidheadh. Le CD (fhoillsicheadh ann an 2007, 's docha nach obraich e) saor an asgaidh.

Anns an leabhar bheag seo tha taghadh de thar-sgrìobhainn agus eadar-theangachaidhean a chaidh a chlàrachadh bho mhuinntir Ìle, mar naidheachdan ionadail, cuimhneachain air mar a the Ìle air atharrachadh tro na bliadhnaichean, seanfhaclan, cuide ri fiosrachadh eachdraidheil agus teisteanasan beatha muinntir na sgìre.

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